
ChatGPT Mac App Launches Without Flirty Advanced Voice Mode

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The advanced voice mode for ChatGPT, which caused a dispute with Scarlett Johansson, was a key feature of OpenAI’s Spring Update event. The event also introduced a desktop app for ChatGPT.

OpenAI now states it needs one more month to prepare an alpha version of the voice mode for a small group of ChatGPT Plus subscribers. They plan to make it available to all Plus customers in the fall. OpenAI is working on improving the ability to detect and refuse certain content.

Regarding the new video and screen sharing features shown at the event, OpenAI promises to update on the timeline. They initially planned to release these capabilities in the coming weeks. Now, the company says the exact timeline depends on meeting their high safety and reliability standards.

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The assistant features resembled Johansson’s virtual character in the movie *Her*. These were part of OpenAI’s demo. The GPT-4-powered bot could observe the user’s surroundings and respond in real time. It could also maintain a natural conversation and handle interruptions well. CEO Sam Altman described it as having “human-level response times and expressiveness.”

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The desktop app for macOS launched today. With the Mac app installed, pressing Option and Space together opens ChatGPT from anywhere. This allows it to chat about whatever’s on your screen. A Windows app is scheduled to arrive later this year.

Source: ChatGPT’s Mac app is here, but its flirty advanced voice mode has been delayed