
Best WordPress Plugins for 2024 – We Did the Research for You

Similar to how apps make iPhones great, the best WordPress plugins are bound to turn an ordinary WordPress site into a unique one. From SEO plugins like Yoast to contact form plugins, it’s amazing how a simple ten-second installation process can yield such dramatic results. 

But not all plugins are created equal. Some of them have bad coding that messes with your theme. Others are riddled with bugs, making them almost useless in terms of functionality. That’s why we want to highlight the best WordPress plugins so that your website is running at its peak performance at all times. 

And we’re sure you’ve heard of the go-to plugins like JetpackContact Form 7, and Yoast, so we’ll spare you the twelfth explanation you’ve heard about those. Instead, we’ll focus on must-have, lightweight, and highly functional plugins that don’t get the chatter they deserve yet can still be incredibly useful for anyone who wants to launch a blog or website. Here are the Best WordPress plugins for 2024, read now!

Pretty Links permits you to take any current and future connections on your site and abbreviate them for a cleaner look. That, however, you’re ready to follow where the entirety of the snaps come from through these connections.  

Since bloggers are frequently embedding subsidiary connections, it bodes well to abbreviate them to make them look less chaotic. On the off chance that you’ve worked with partner joins at any point, you realize how long and threatening they can show up. The module additionally turns out extraordinary for checking where your guests are coming from and which connections are being tapped on the most. 

The Broken Link Checker module does basically what the name suggests. It continually checks your site to distinguish any messed-up joins. At that point, you get a warning to fix that interface. The checking incorporates broken pictures and diverts.  

At the point when you have a wrecked picture or connection on your blog, the UI becomes convoluted, and the web crawlers begin to pay heed. Along these lines, it’s to your greatest advantage to eliminate or supplant joins that turn into a dead-end, permitting you to support your SEO rankings and satisfy your perusers. 


Optimole takes whatever pictures you transfer to WordPress and naturally upgrades them for better execution. This may imply that the document design is changed or the record size is diminished. It enhances pictures transferred by some other module and even sweeps to ensure that your recently transferred pictures are all set. In addition, Optimole additionally attaches your webpage to a picture CDN – making stacking pictures on your site a lot faster.  

Your media is typically the offender when you begin seeing inactive burden times or worker over-burdens. Accordingly, it’s essential to enhance pictures by making them more modest or changing the record designs. Nonetheless, doing this physically would take an excessive lot of time. Hence, the Optimole module does everything for you behind the scenes. Subsequently, you’ll see quicker page loads and a superior client experience. 

Revive Old Posts

The Revive Old Posts module shares more established blog entries to interpersonal organizations. For example, you may have an old (yet quality) post from some time back. This post has been pushed towards the documents, so relatively few individuals will see it any longer. Subsequently, this plugin revives it by imparting it to new individuals on places like Facebook and Twitter.  

This is a critical module since it kills the dependence on an opportunity with regards to getting a reaction for your posts. There may be a brilliant blog entry from years prior that individuals would truly appreciate today. Besides, you will fill your social feed with substance and push more traffic to your blog. 

Mailpoet Newsletter

MailPoet Newsletter brings email bulletins to your WordPress dashboard. Clients can exchange information for your email list on your blog. At that point, you’re ready to fabricate the pamphlets from WordPress and send them out to any individual who’s bought in.  

In addition to the fact that MailPoet has a free arrangement, it’s a lot simpler than gathering email locations and conveying those bulletins. You, at this point, don’t need to leap to another program for making your messages, and it likewise has some quite pleasant formats, to begin with. 


CoSchedule is extraordinary compared to other WordPress modules for a few reasons. It gives a lovely publication schedule within WordPress for arranging and appointing articles to your authors. You can likewise team up on the blog entries while additionally utilizing the instrument to advance them after distribution.  

Multi-creator web journals require a type of association instrument for arranging, altering, and booking blog entries. With CoSchedule, you get a magnificent perspective on your whole substance technique, and you can arrange it any way you need. This aids you as an administrator. However, your authors will thank you also. 

User Switching

The User Switching module lets the administrator of your blog switch between represents various perspectives on the site. For instance, you may need to log out as an administrator and inspect what your clients see on the front end.  

This module is ideal for testing conditions where you will hop starting with one client account then onto the next to see the consequences of changes. We likewise like it for standard blog administrators who might want to comprehend the site and client experience for the pursuers. 

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Cutting Ends Short!

Despite the fact that we’re discussing some well-known and some less-famous WordPress plugins here, it merits calling attention that a few patterns have arisen when aggregating this rundown. Various specialists shared their picks in comparable module classifications.  

Our experts feel that picture improvement is critical. With modules like Optimole, unmistakably bloggers and website admins care about how much transmission capacity their destinations burn through and how significant having this leveled out is for them.