
How to Market an App Successfully: A Guide for Startups

For a business to succeed in the mobile app industry, its owners must not only develop a solid app but also develop strong brand awareness. If you’re a startup or small business owner, investing in-app marketing (for example, through app install ads) is one of the many strategies that can help your apps achieve a higher rank so that they can generate more downloads and gain more customers.

The industry is constantly evolving, but one underlying trend is clear: to succeed, you must market effectively. This is a short overview of how the app marketing industry can benefit your business.

Marketing of Mobile App

Mobile app marketing in short consists of generating traffic to your mobile application, and making that traffic convert into downloads, signups, or even better, nurtured into engaging users. You can’t do that without a strategic plan.

App marketing can be an effective way to promote your business and drive users to find, download, and use your mobile applications. In the increasingly competitive world of mobile applications, businesses have to constantly invest in promoting their brand and increasing customer engagement.

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Promotion of An App

People can use digital distribution to deliver apps conveniently and reach a large user base. Cyberspace includes a lot of channels you can promote your app in, including social media and content marketing. While launching an app on social media might be the most convenient and effective way to promote it, it’s not the only way.

Marketers should agree on a plan and rationale for app development before they undertake it, and then measure its impact after it’s released.

Pre-Launching Conditions

The awareness stage of a mobile app marketing strategy involves a couple of tasks that need to be completed before launching any products. Part of this stage is to build brand awareness and to get your product visible.

One of the most important steps in the awareness stage understands your brand messaging and positioning. A brand’s values and purpose are its core assets, so people will appreciate any new product from that brand even if it has unconventional features. If you define a brand position, it’s easier to see how you’re different from your competitors and it’s easier for people to connect with you.

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Here are some of the key steps to consider when developing your marketing plan:

1.Decide a Release Date

In contrast with Google, Apple has a strict review process, which may delay your release date or cause you to encounter unexpected setbacks. Creating a detailed plan for your product will allow you to launch it successfully and identify potential problems before they occur.

Events and holidays are things to consider when you’re deciding on your launch date. If your app were released at the same time as another major event, it might not get noticed.

2.Research Market to Know About Customers

It is essential to understand the market of your app so you can target users who have a real need for your product. It might be true that there are plenty of apps in the market that address a pain-point, but if your app does it better or addresses a pain-point that others don’t, and then you will still succeed.

3.Generate Customers Persons

A user persona is a representation of your perfect user. It includes all relevant information about their demographics, their backgrounds, and any preferences they might have. A persona is like a detailed description of a certain type of customer, and it helps you to define your ideal customer in great detail. Each persona represents a distinct group of users with a similar attitude, behavior, or goal. This allows you to keep your product development and strategy highly focused and relevant for the actual users of your app.

Understand that each element of your app has to be targeted towards its users, and not towards the developer. Your product has to be carefully structured to reflect what your target user feels and thinks.

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4.Overseeing Competitive Research

Take a look at your top 5 competitors in your AppStore. Have they been reviewed by any notable blogs? What’s their price? How effective is their monetization model? In what ways is their UX consistent with their values, and in what ways are they inconsistent? You could even go so far as to determine which features your app has and compare them to the competition.

Review your app’s design to ensure there are no elements that would make users unhappy or frustrated. Thinking about your competitors’ marketing tactics and which strategies they use that you don’t might give you some ideas for your app marketing.

5.Generate a Landing Page

Mobile web browsers are the primary source of app installs and it’s essential to create a mobile landing page or at least a teaser video for an app. This video can be used to attract new customers to your website by placing it on social media and in the app store. If you’re looking for an SEO strategy, having a pre-launch website is not only a great way to build hype around your app, but also to get your domain authority way up.

You can collect emails with a newsletter form on your website. Let your followers know when you launch your app and keep them updated with what’s going on with the development process of the app. regularly announce new features and updates.

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6.Exceed Initiatives

One way to increase the chances of success in launching a new mobile product is to contact well-known people in your industry to ask them for honest reviews of the product. When making a list of contacts relevant to your industry or niche, be sure to write down the person’s name and contact information, as well as the publication you’d like to send them to. Include a link to your press kit, landing page, or social media profile. You’ll want to include facts about your app when you’re contacting a blogger because that makes it easier for them to write about you.

7.Promotions Through Social Media

One major benefit of expanding your social media presence is that it allows you to communicate with your audience directly Like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, etc. If your app targets specific age groups, focus more on the platforms where these age groups spend most of their time.

Before development and marketing, your product should be targeted at a specific audience. By knowing what channels your audience mostly uses, you can invest in the appropriate social channels. In today’s digital market, social media is the most important marketing type. If you use it well, you can enhance your app’s reputation before launch, and then boost engagement with your brand afterward.

8.Construct a Marketing Strategy

Start writing months in advance of launching your business, so that you’ll have enough content when it comes time to launch. When your launch date comes, you’ll already have followers and an established authority position. Launch a blog and write about how your app is going to make your users’ lives better. Be sure to show demonstration videos and screenshots.

Post-Launch Marketing Strategies

There are two paths for marketers to consider after launch: paid promotions that can boost how fast a message spreads, and organic marketing that relies on word-of-mouth. The goal is to generate more leads, create more buzz, maximize brand awareness, and more.

Let’s review these two approaches to marketing applications post-launch:

1. Organic marketing

2.Paid marketing

1.Organic Marketing

The following activities can be considered organic marketing as they do not involve paid efforts.

  • App Store Optimization

Traditional SEO was and is not relevant for mobile apps, so marketing agencies adjusted and created a whole new strategy called ASO or app store optimization. Once an app has been launched, marketers need to optimize the app store pages to improve rankings. Keyword research helps you pick the right keywords for your title and snippet, which is key to successful ASO. Since the primary use of ASO is to get your app featured on the store, you must do everything you can to increase your visibility.

Click here to read: The Complete Guide to App Store Optimization (ASO)

  • Apply for Benefits

Winning awards shows that you are capable of building a popular app, which can increase the value of your future apps. After your app is launched, you should apply for awards and increase your app’s trustworthiness.

  • Attain Apparentness

Precisely because your launch is the time when you have the most visibility, it’s also important to continue investing in an advertisement. After your app has launched, try running contests and giveaways to increase the amount of interest in your app. You can also use alternative app stores to get your app in front of more people, just like you would use other marketing channels to get more traffic to your site.

  • Mobile App Should Be Localized

If your target market consists of more than one country, you should consider the localization of the language on your site. To ensure your app’s success, you need to consider internationalization before and after the launch of your app.

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2.Paid Marketing

Paid Marketing is one of the fastest, most reliable, and scalable ways to increase your small business or website visibility. From traditional online ads which have been around for many years, to newer platforms like Facebook advertising, Google AdWords, and Bing Ads, these methods will help you draw in qualified traffic to your site. Although they are generally more expensive than other types of “earned” marketing strategies (such as SEO), they are extremely reliable in targeting a new audience or converting the lead.

Some tactics are:

  • Pay-per-Click

Your overall app marketing strategy should incorporate the best practices of PPC. It just so happens that you can promote your app on search engines or using in-app ads.

  • Emails Campaigns

Tracking your investment in landing pages and the resulting email list, you can then use this list to launch email campaigns that promote your app. If your target demographic uses email as their primary mode of communication, you can use email marketing to reach them You can pay influencers to use your product, which will move your app up in the rankings and will increase the number of people who are aware of it.

Let’s Start Your Marketing Tactics

This blog is intended to offer information that will help you better understand how to promote your app as a startup. Developing your app marketing strategy will come next. It’s always good to learn from competitors, especially if you’re a startup. You can use the experience of other companies to avoid mistakes and move on growth strategies much sooner.

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