Privacy Issues in the New Big Data Economy
Big data has brought a new revolution in the industry. Every social platform is working hard to get the maximum data out and provide their customer with their desired results all the time. Not only the social platforms but also many companies and software houses are using the same approach to get into the hole and know every single detail.
But with the ease of customers’ desired results, it also has some privacy aspects. Everyone likes to have their desired result but also on the other hand they don’t want anyone to violate their privacy policy. Today we will discuss types of privacy issues are faced in this industry.
Is Storing data on a Centralized Device Safe?
The biggest emerging issue is centralized data. This centralized data is also helpful in many cases office profiles, student data, and much other crucial data is held up in a single place. But this storage of data also is not supported properly. Many applications take your data e.g. Name, location, gender, likes, dislikes, and much more, and use it to provide the desired result to their customers.
Moreover, along with the desired result, this can cause a negative impact too. Some applications get the data and sell it to other companies lacking privacy.
Is Health Care Privacy at Risk?
While conducting a survey another aspect that came across was the security of health care applications. In every healthcare application, a user has to provide its complete details along with the history, if in any case the data is not secured it can be breached easily.
Another example is the contact tracing apps being developed to track the spread of COVID-19. “These apps have put privacy concerns and people’s appetite for allowing their data to be tracked in the spotlight,” he says. “It also reflects the cultural gaps between Asia and the west, where big brother is less accepted.”
Transparency is the Biggest Concern!
Transparency is the biggest concern of many companies. They think that being transparent to their customer or client will help them invest trust in their product. In this case, they might put privacy on the secondary option.
As a result, big data companies don’t want to lose what they believe to be their competitive technological advantage over other companies by being transparent about what their big data algorithms do, how they function, what information they rely on, and even to what extent they’re accurate.
So it is also our responsibility to check that whether a company integrates its intelligence, it is our priority to check that all the regulations of security are strongly applied to it. We have to encourage technology in a positive way!