
5 Free Google Tools to Upgrade Your SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization is a way of manipulating search engines that are based on user search words to drive more traffic to a website. If you are not familiar with SEO software, you should check them out right now. You must keep on updating yourself with the latest tools and resources to effectively improve your SEO.

I constantly look around online to find new best tools that can help me in my everyday work. There are just so many of them! Fortunately, very few of them are the best free SEO tools and are worth sharing with you, my dear readers. Here are the 5 free Google tools to upgrade your SEO Strategy:

1.Grow My Store

Grow My Stores was started as a side-project of mine to help me offer more useful SEO services. After that, the meaning has changed to become something much more important. The service offers simple yet powerful tools which help you to take control of your future search engine rankings. Grow My Stores is a company that provides services to help e-commerce websites increase their revenue. These tools are available for free forever and cost nothing to use – ever.

To generate a report, you just have to answer simple questions about your store like your domain name, your industry, and your type of business. When you answer these short simple questions, the report is sent to you by email.

In addition, you receive customized data; you’ll be able to have a clear picture of your competitors’ business. To find this data, navigate to the “Reach More Customers” page. There’s a section called “Industry trends” on this page. It will give you statistics about your industry.


  • Increase the number of clicks your site receives.
  • Increased sales / more traffic
  • Cleaner, more optimized website
  • Get more reviews and social shares
  • Better Google ranking
  • More effective marketing tools
  • More income coming in from my e-commerce business
  • Increase Sales by using the Facebook pixel feature

2.Visual Stories

Have you ever wished that you could have a visual way to check for and tell you about SEO strategy? If so, then visual stories for SEO are for you. Visual stories are free tools I wrote that help you check and improve your SEO strategy. It is a fantastic new tool from Forbes that gives you a detailed look at how your brand is perceived through social media. They use data visualization to help you tell a story about how your website ranks for relevant search terms. These stories help you create a more powerful brand overall- including helping your site rank higher in search results.


  • Publish and drive traffic to the page you want to rank!
  • A clear chart for the future development
  • quality content
  • consistency
  • Helps you to get better visibility on search engine or social media
  • Help in improving your keyword research skills

This tool is useful for all business owners- bloggers, developers, and marketers to create visual content more easily. Using visuals in your online marketing efforts is a crucial factor it helps you to stand out from the crowd and helps engage your audience.

3.Test My Site

The first way to help improve your site is by using a free tool provided by Google to test your webpages in Google. Test my site is great if you’re getting ready to get off the ground with your new site or plan an upgrade for your current one. The second way is by running Facebook ads. Bloggers who use Facebook ads have noticed an uptick in traffic since becoming known as an authority source. The third way is by using Google AdWords. It’s the most cost-effective way to market your blog but requires a bit of work and planning but can reap you big rewards.

You’ll get a detailed performance analysis of your mobile site from Test My Site, and if you sign up for the full report. The report is sent to you via email and provides advice for both marketers and developers, contains resource links and case studies. 


  • Check the status of your website
  • Submit sitemap to google webmaster tools
  • See which HTML pages are missing
  • Verify the page speed
  • Determine new root keywords
  • Find broken links
  • Gives you general SEO information

4.Rising Retail Categories

Google has a brand-new resource called Rising Retail categories for Webmasters, which lets you see what’s trending in different industries. If you’re interested in better SEO, this is an important update for you to check out. This nifty little tool will tell you which of the keywords you’ve ranked for in the past have a great chance of recovering lost ground in the future


  • Find high demand, low competition niches
  • Diversify your income
  • Easily find and sell products using existing platforms.
  • Here’s an easy way to let google find your site more easily.
  • You can edit your selected categories if you want to.

SEO is important to your campaign. But it can be hard to make sure that you’re aware of what’s going on. That’s where “Google Trends” comes in. This free tool shows you where most people are searching for a keyword. You can use it to get an early warning if there’s a big change in the search trends for a particular term or to see how popular a keyword is. You can use this tool to help you with your website, blog, or business pages. You can even get a list of the top 100 search terms used on each of the major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) as well as the most popular.


  • Monitor your competition
  • Track what’s trending in your industry
  • Find untapped niche keywords
  • Design content that your audience is looking for
  • Improve writing skills


Google has created several tools to determine what they look for in a website. In 2021, is it reasonable to assume that Big Data should give a huge competitive advantage? The data you can collect from your Giant is more important than ever. If you want to be excellent at something, do it for free, and then get paid for it.