
Tool Crosses Phone Numbers from The Facebook Data Violation

Do you remember the case about Facebook data violation? We are going to share a piece of news about this. People who doubt their data can now insert their contact numbers into a website to see if they emerged in a Facebook data violation. 

More than 530 million people’s mobile numbers were leaked in a database online. 

People can utilize the tool “Have I have Been Pwned” to investigate if their numbers or emails were arbitrated. 

Facebook states the information is from an “old” violation in 2019, but privacy watchdogs are now examining. 

Found and Fixed the Data

Facebook announced it had “found and fixed” the violation longer than a year and a half ago. 

But the report has now been issued openly in a hacking forum, making it publicly available. 

The database of 533 million people is from 106 nations, according to researchers investigating the data. If we divide the users, it would be 11 million from the UK, 30 million Americans, and almost 7 million Facebook Australian users. 

Not all data sections are open for each user, but 500 million contact numbers were leaked linked with “only a some million email ID’s.” 

Not Merely a Small Number of People

Mr. Hunt originated the contact number exploration function after “unusual traffic” to the website, following the Facebook data leakage news. Earlier, there was only a search option for email addresses. Visitants to the website can now insert their phone number into a search option, and the website will verify if it has been shown in the leaked information. 

“I needed to assure Have I Been Pwned could acknowledge that question for everyone, not just a small number of people,” Mr. Hunt explained to the BBC. It has also been proposed that Facebook’s personal chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, had his contact number dripped in the database. 

“Facebook is still to put out a blameless point on this,” Mr. Hunt appended. “They’ve alluded to a 2019 event being the original cause, but that doesn’t go far adequate to disclose the data in dissemination. “There’s a void of data right now, and that void is being loaded with a lot of speculation.” 

That’s all by our side. Let us know what your opinion about this is? Are you going to search for your contact number too?